'25 Week 9 & 10 Progress, Happiness Plans For the Weeks Ahead

Happy March!
Our weather has turned very quickly and I'm finding
myself launched into the abyss of busyness that comes
with the warm months.  

Classy plant-markers:  write name on corks, add skewer.

For starters, my golf addiction is in full-swing.  Pun intended.
I've also begun tackling spring yard and garden clean-up
and I've even popped some seeds into the garden already.

But let's back up and start with my trip up to MSQC.  It's not
something I had time for but I try to go every year or so and I'd
recently been having no luck finding fabric for a gift.  Besides,
road trips make great therapy.  When hubs needed dropped
at the airport at 5 am, the timing was perfect.

The 4-hr drive put me there with just enough time
to enjoy a quick latte before the shops opened. 
Now for a few pics:

I am such a sucker for an Omigosh quilt!

How about a close-up?

Log cabin fun.


Hot pads and coasters:  knitting inspiration.

I always intend to take more pics for those of you who don't live near
enough to visit but I get focused on what I'm there for and I forget.  

On to the progress...what there is of it.

Week 9 & 10 Progress
Goal 1:  Finish Nestled in the Trees top; rename.

Even after taking an extra week, I don't have it done
but I really have made some good progress.

I think I'll call "Holiday Lane".  Or maybe Christmas Village.

Goal 2:  Start on baby quilt--assuming I find the fabrics
(pink and ivory w/a touch of grayish brown are the nursery colors)

Fabrics found!
I can't say I found exactly what I was after but after looking
for a month, I think it was time to just punt, as an old friend
used to say.  I can still hear her:  Oh just make a decision and
go with it!  Punt!  Those have been wise words that I've fallen
back on many times!

I'm trying to get the house quilt blocks finished before I pull
them off the design wall to start on this.  I'm late on this gift
and I'm feeling a bit stressed not knowing when I'll get to it.
I'll share more details, the pattern etc on my next post when
hopefully I've made some progress!

Goal 3:  Post Week 7 of QAL; sew up more if time

 Week 8 was also completed but somehow 2 HST's disappeared.
I'm using triangle papers to make 8 at a time so where did the
darned things go??  After I give the whole room one more look,
I guess I'll just make two extras the old fashioned way.


Goal:  Finish knitting hat; pull out UFO #2

I finished--yay!  
Pic is before blocking. Also, the coloring in pic
isn't quite right.  It's brighter in real life.

I pulled out UFO #2, got some advice from my trusted advisor
and I think I'm ready to go on it but I'm too busy trying to finish
a quick Debbie Bliss washcloth that I started for pure therapy.  
(Like I needed that?!?)
Unfortunately, I also have three other fairly quick projects
to make ASAP so I'm not sure when I'll get to that one.

As I've been having some success at my knitting, I allowed myself
to splurge on some really nice yarn when at MSQC.  The shop is
still there but its fate is questionable.  Because the inventory was
pretty limited, trying to buy a substantial quantity of yarn was
almost impossible but these are what I settled on.
My plan for the yarn on the left is for a baby blanket and the more
fall-ish yarn will hopefully be for my first garment--a vest.
(Oh please oh please let me get it made for this coming autumn!)

Lettuces, shallots, scallions and radishes in.  Until warmer,
I'll keep them covered with plastic at night.

After so much time off due to snow, it's just great to be back at it.
Trying to get in 5 rounds/week, even when traveling--if possible.

Next week's goals
Rather than list next week's goals, I think I"ll just say 
"Keep working on all the above!"

Until next time, 
happy quilting, gardening, golfing, knitting or whatever!

Linking up to:


Linda said…
Your trip to MSQC looks fun. Are Jenny and her husband on a mission trip or something? Your knitting is beautiful. Glad you are getting your garden going, I need to do that. The cardboard I put on never got enough rain to really break down, so I'll have to take it off and hoe up the weeds. We are enjoying watching golf and talked yesterday about how much we miss actually playing.
Kate said…
Things do get much busier with the warmer weather. Your fabric choices for the baby quilt are very pretty. You punt well! Happy stitching this week.
piecefulwendy said…
The house quilt is looking great! So many fun projects, but knowing you are out golfing makes me grin!