2025 Week 6 Check-In: Two More Finishes on the Way

Hello and welcome to Week 6.  I was amazed to find myself
turning a calendar page already:  What happened to January?

 The snow finally melted and the golf courses have reopened.
I'm a little sore after a month off but it's great to be out walking
and active again.  Still, I'd take a few more snow storms before
heading into spring.  I'm not ready for all of that outdoor work
and hectic scheduling that come with the warm weather.
Hibernating my way through January was very needed!

But, it doesn't have to be spring or summer for things to
get busy.  My next 2 weeks are packed--but in a good way.
Last week's accomplishments have me feeling wonderfully
motivated to keep going.  Don't you just love that feeling? 

Quilt Goals for Week 6

1) Pic & list latest two quilt:
Partly DONE.

 I need to get a few more of each.

2)  Work on Unity QAL; post pic to group

I've also worked ahead a few weeks so I have a nice buffer
if things get busy or I just forget.

3) Start on West Point quilt (requested)

WP Stars 6 (55x55)

I whipped this smaller one out and have already quilted it.

Binding and label are going on this morning.

WP Stars 7 (Pattern is my own)

I also started on a larger one.  Having made so many, they're not
exactly exciting to make any more so it's nice to get two punched
out at once.  These, along with a baby quilt, are my only obligation
quilts this year so it'll be a relief to have them done so early.

4) Get caught up on quilting jobs now that Lucey is fixed 
One DONE one to go.
 Stumped on thread choice.  More on this next time.

On the knitting front, I gave each of my UFO's a really good look
look and I just can't figure them out.  I've been away from it all
for so long that the instructions are once again beyond me so
I'll be seeking out some help.  (You know who you are!)

Knitting On a Plane?
With so much travel planned for the year ahead, I'd love
to know of any knitters out there who take projects on
flights--national and international-- without problems.
(That's a hint about the year ahead, btw.)
I will check with the airlines to be safe but I'd appreciate any
info/stories you might want to share.  We do have Global Entry
status so I think that will help.  (Oh, and I have one of those
eensie teensy 1" scissors.  Are those considered safe?)

Looking at next week...
This week's weather will be up and down so I should get
lots of sewing time in and just a couple rounds of golf to
help work things out after sitting so much at my machine.

Week 7 Goals

1) Finish pics and get all 4 (!) quilts listed in shop
This includes finishing West Point Stars #'s 6 & 7.

2) Look for fabric for this heart quilt which will be a baby gift.
Pink isn't something you're going to find in my stash so I need
to hunt out some fabric similar to the sample but perhaps a
tad more low-volume. 

3) Post Week 3 of Lisa Bongean's (Primitive Gatherings) QAL

3) Make thread decision on red/ivory quilting job; order if nec.

A last note:  Fabric tracking.  Ack!  I skipped posting 2024's totals.
I'm sure it had something to do with having nothing to be proud of
there but now that this year is already looking up, it's a little easier
to reveal all.  Imagine that!  LOL. We'll just focus on improving!
My goal is simply to keep the net in the negative.

2024 Fabric In/Used Totals
Fabric In:  245.6yds
Fabric Used:  175.01
Net:  +79.95

January 2025 Totals
Fabric In:  22.50 yds
Fabric Used:  47.03 yds
Net:  -24.53 yds*

Have a great week and happy quilting!


Julierose said…
As far as scissors on a plane--instead I took an empty Oral B tape floss cutter instead--no problems and it cuts very well...just a thought...
Your progress has been great...love the quilts...and that swirly quilting is beautiful--I've never learned Free Motion, so i am always envious of all of you who can do it...,
Hugs, Julierose
piecefulwendy said…
So glad Lucey is back up and humming along now. You are making great progress lately! Pretty impressive on the fabric use, too!
Linda said…
Sounds like you are enjoying your sewing time! That's interesting about taking knitting on a plane - keep us posted on how that goes.
chrisknits said…
I was doing so well in January, but then went on a shopping spree yesterday with friends!! At least I am still -2.27 yards, that's good, right? LOL Yes I know who I am!!! Bwahahaha! Haven't knit on a flight in a long time, so can't answer that.
Kate said…
Congrats on all the productivity last week. Sounds like you are going to have a very busy year. Good luck with this week's goals.
Your WP stars look great. I don't fly OR knit, so can't really provide any insight there! Have a great week. Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings!