'25 Week 4: Blocks Complete, LA Fix and Knitting UFO's

Hello from a very frigid and snowy Kansas!
More snow?  Temps in the negatives?
Sewing days ahead!

Let's check on last week's progress.

It was a great week in the studio!


I completed 18 blocks, bringing the total to 20 for my current

But the greatest progress has been getting Lucey going again!
APQS sent a new part and she's now up and running!  I've only
completed (finally!) the antique lace quilt but there were no
jumps in the pattern for the last half of the quilt so I think
 it's safe to say we finally got her fixed!
(It was a bearing issue in the Quilt Path system)

Now that I'm organized, I brought out the ol' UFO's to share.
Don't judge.  I learned to knit about 15 years ago but have very
little actual time at it.   I go at it in spurts so haven't really progressed
beyond hats, mittens and scarves.  Socks and sweaters are my goals.
As you'll see below, I have one sock going at least...

UFO 1) fingerless glove
This was from a class that I took when the boys were in
grade school--I think I missed class due to a basketball game.  

UFO 2) Diagonal strip baby blanket

I started this not long after our daughter got married.  The goal
was to complete it for the first grandchild (he's 7 now!).   The error
in this one (besides the cheap yarn), was that I somehow got off
by one row in the diagonal pattern.  I never could find the mistake
so then I tried ripping it back several sets, thinking I'd fix it that
way but it just kept reappearing.  I started thinking about
tossing it when I saw it now has two discolored spots so my
decision was made for me.  I can always start again.

UFO 3) Vanilla Sock
I think I was stuck on that heel but to add to my struggle, I think it
may have dropped stitches as it got moved around over the years.

UFO 4) Honey Hat

This was my effort at trying something with a little more of a
pattern to it.  I remember really enjoying this and I know I didn't
have any issues with it...other than I must've just gotten busy.

UFO 5) Yorkshire Tweed Beret

The hat portion is done but I couldn't figure out how to
start and attach the brim that finishes it off...
or something like that.

Covered in snow
A Good Walk Spoiled [golf] (John Feinstein)
Angels & Demons [faith] (Peter Kreeft)
Contemplative Knitting (Julie Cicora)

Allowed cheating over the weekend so no
progress but I'm back at it this week.

Courses are covered in snow but I got 2 hours in on 
the simulator.

Quilt Goals for Week 5
1) Finish Fallspice (bind & label)
2) Put sashing on Star Twist; re-name
3) Choose fabrics for Unity QAL

Other goals for Week 5
1) Choose knitting UFO and begin (again); toss UFO #2
2) Finish one of my books; find one on audio
3) Lose 2-3lbs; add in treadmill
4) Play a round on the simulator

Happy quilting!


Sara said…
Star Twist has such beautiful fabrics. I especially like the different backgrounds you used. Great job! My cousins in the Concordia area all had snow too.
chrisknits said…
Yay for a Quilty finish!!! And I love the knitting UFOs!! As I sit here having ripped out 10 rows on the blanket!!
Linda said…
Love the fabrics in Star Twist. I really enjoy seeing your knitting photos!
Kate said…
Those star blocks are really fun. So glad you got Lucey up and going again. Stay warm and stitch on!
LA Paylor said…
we have similar interests. Your sock is so complex looking, is it the yarn or your patterning? Love your stars. We have a lot of snow at the moment which is nice in winter since we didn't have much snow the last three years (Colorado) LeeAnna
Those are great stsr blocks! So glad you got Lucey fixed, as I know you are a prolific finisher and it's probably hard to let the quilt tops pile up. Good luck getting back into your knitting - I am trying to learn to crochet. If I could just remember what to do from one time to the next!
Vivian said…
Oh yeah, when the snow piles up it's time to hunker down with all the crafts! Those star blocks look great, got to check that pattern out. No judging here regarding the knitting -- you know what they say: those that are doing it are lapping those of us (ahem) who are still waiting to start. I learned to knit when I was a teenager and have been saying for years now about getting back to it. So I will very much enjoy living vicariously through whatever you do!
Anne-Marie said…
Congrats on your progress. I'm glad your longarm is up and running again. It was fun to see your knitting projects.
These blocks are so pretty, Cheryl. I love this pattern too. I know you are happy to have your longarm back working! Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings! Stay warm!
I'm glad to hear your LA is running properly again. I don't even know what a "bearing issue in the quilt path system" means, and I have quilt path, too! I don't need to know! Your antique lace quilt is such a beauty! And love, love, love your Star Twist blocks! The colors are stunning!!!
Anonymous said…
Thank you for commenting my SAHRR at Wendys blog. Thank you that you find it helpfull as a reminder. I am sure you have many good projects ahead. The star rwost block is out of Saison fabric, right? See snowmen there. The contasts are perfect! Good, when such big expensive machine like your longarm is running again. Happy knitting!!! Eva