TTD Week 32: Progress With a Capital P

Time has sort of gotten away from me and here it is again,
a few weeks since I last checked in.  At least I have been busy
and have lots of things to share:  one finish, a new project
that is already a finish and another new project that is
almost a completed top.  Go me!
Grab something to sip on and let's go...

* * * Week 29 Priority * * *
Practice for golf tournament.
Not exactly quilty but it was pretty important.
The tournament was a blast!  Hubs and I killed it on day one and
made it into the championship flight with a nice 71.  But on day 2
we just could not find our game and so we finished 12th (at 150).
Not so bad really, considering how young most participants were.
  But I want a better showing so I'm looking forward to next year!
For a very long time I've had zero desire to try competing again--
in any sport.  But this has become a challenge I've grown to love.
My take-away?
NEVER stop challenging yourself; never be afraid to try new things!

2) Continue with Abigail Abby.
Finished!  Pics, listing and all.

"Abby" (71x82).   Pattern here:  (Abigail).
(pardon the shadows!) 

Because of the patriotic colors, I first went with the pattern name.
I have so much admiration for one Abigail Adams.  However,
 my fabrics really don't fit that time period so, to reserve that for
for a future project, I went with "Abby" because it just feels
younger, more modern...or something like that.

The FQ set came with 4 pillow panels that I'll never use so I
used them in the best place I knew of:  the backing!
Who doesn't love two quilts in one?
Now they won't get stashed in a drawer and they saved me
from cutting a third strip of fabric to make that back big enough.
(The remaining panel is going to the guild QOV committee.)

Abby is quilted in "Star Struck" by My Creative Stitches.
(Design comes with both sharp and rounded star options.)
One final word on this one:  I love everything about it.

This next project didn't even make it to my TTD list.

"Pumpkin Festival" (55x64) is my second quilt from the pattern
"Pumpkin Harvest" (County Seat Quilts by J. Hendricksen & V. Gerike).

The background fabric is a homespun plaid and it came with
the usual homespun plaid issues so I'm not quite as happy
with this one as I'd like to be.  

And yet, if a person loves the rustic or folk-art theme,
this one really fits the bill.  

It gives off a wonderfully homey-cozy vibe that works
 so well in fall decorating.

As I cut the pumpkins out, I began to feel the need to see them
on yet a third background so I cut out an extra set (time-saver!).
I'll jump into that quilt soon but first I needed to get busy on
a different fall project:

Hello Pumpkin (MSQC) is a layer cake friendly but I started
eyeing my treasured (and if I'm being truthful, too-long-saved)
 FQ set "Autumn Gatherings Flannel" by Primitive Gatherings:

I couldn't quite get a positive feel for it made up in all
of those colors so settled on using some flannel scraps,
filling in as needed with the FQ set.

Well, look at this one fly together!
Today I'm working on the sashing.

As for the rest of the FQ set...

 I have this other quilt in mind for it.
It'll show up on next week's list I'm sure.

With two flannel quilts, I'll need a lot of flannel for the backs so if
anyone out there knows of Woolies (Mayfield), Primitive Gatherings
 or other quality flannels on clearance online, please let me in on it. 
I would love to get these quilts listed before fall but I may have to
wait for the shop hop in early October before getting the backings.
And I really don't want to do that!

So there ya have it.   Progres with a capital "P".
Next week?

* * * Week 32 Priority * * *
Finish Hello Pumpkin top and name.

2) Start cutting out my next quilt
If I get #1 done, I'll dive into those FQ flannels.

Hope things are going well in your sewing room too!
Happy quilting!

Linking up to:
Monday Musings by Songbird Designs
Tuesday To Do by Quilt Schmilt
Sew & Tell by Melva Loves Scraps


Linda said…
Sounds like the golf tourney was fun and you did well! Are you still golfing in this heat?
I love the name Abby, and it is just a gorgeous quilt - love that backing too. I really like that homespun background on Pumpkin Festival - beautiful quilt! I have the Pumpkin Spice pattern - so cute.
Stay cool!
Melva said…
MSQ and Connecting Threads both have special deals where I have see 3 yd wide back flannel at fabulous prices. You may check their cleance sales as well since it is "off season" and they will be restocking for fall soon. Nice job on those finishes. Thanks for sharing in my Sew and Tell party.
Rebecca Grace said…
Love the use of the panels for the backing of your Abby quilt. And, clicking over here from Quilt Schmilt's linky party, I had to laugh because I am LITERALLY drinking my Morning Latte!
piecefulwendy said…
Beautiful quilts, great photos! So glad you enjoyed the tourney, too! You have been enjoying your summer!
Good for you on the golf tournament, and so glad it turned out to be fun! I love Abby - such a beautiful finish. I always enjoy seeing your pumpkin quilts - I bet they are good sellers for you. Autumn Spice with the pumpkins in a circle could be my favorite yet!
Congratulations on the golf tournament. It sounds like you did well plus you were doing something that you love and spending time with your DH. Abby is fabulous ; of course I never met a red, white and blue quilt that I didn't like. Have a fabulous day and Happy quilting.
Vicki W said…
I love your Abby quilt and the pumpkin flannel quilt is going to be so cute.
Chrisknits said…
Love that stack of Primitive flannels!!! You are rocking the quilts.
Kate said…
Sorry the second day of the golf tournament was rough, but it sounds like you had fun anyway. Abby turned out beautifully and so did Pumpkin Festival. Enjoy your stitching time this week. You've got some fun projects picked out to work on.
Love the Abby quilt! Great use of the panel on the back. And all those pumpkins!!! So cute!
Lots of pretty quilts you've been working on. Did you watch the golf on the Olympics?