Week 28: July Rolls On...

July goes rolling along...
The check-in will be short and sweet again today.

* * * Week 28 Priority * * *
Thoroughly clean sewing room!
Yay, done! And I enjoyed every minute of it!
(Now to figure a way to enjoy more quilting minutes!)

2) Continue on Abigail

The star blocks are completed along with most of the squares.
It wasn't a ton of progress, but it was sure nice to be back
in the sewing room if only for a few hours.  

3) Choose next project
Well this was easy, but I'm not ready to start on it just yet.
"Harvest Pumpkins" from one of my most-used books, 
County Seat Quilts (Julie Hendricksen & Vickie Gerike).

The first one I made sold quickly so I may even make
two if  I can come up with another color scheme
to keep the creativity and interest rolling.

* * * Week 29 Priority * * *
Practice for golf tournament.
Well, it's not a quilty priority but it's pretty important.
This is only my second tourney so I'm a little nervous but
hopefully I'll pull my weight in this two-man scramble.

2) Continue on with Abigail
I'll be focusing a lot on my golf game so a little balance
will be necessary.  Thus, sewing therapy.  Watching this quilt
come together should be calming and satisfying.

Hopefully next week I'll have a little more to show
and a lot more time to sew!

Happy quilting!

Linking up to:

Monday Musings by Songbird Designs
Tuesday To Do by Quilt Schmilt
Sew & Tell by Melva Loves Scraps


Linda said…
I like that star and square in a square pattern. Do you something besides just playing to practice for the tournament? Sounds exciting, will there be prizes? :D Getting a clean sewing room is the best feeling - glad you enjoyed it.
Kate said…
Abigail is looking good. Good luck with your golf practice and good luck with the tournament.
piecefulwendy said…
You are making good progress on Abigail! I'm so excited about your tourney this weekend - cannot wait to hear about it.
Abigail is a pretty design! I love the colors you're using in it. And love the star inside a pumpkin blocks, too - so cute! Good luck in your golf tournament and have fun!
Pretty star blocks! The Pumpkins project is cute too. Have fun playing golf!
Abigail is looking great! I love anything stars, but I also like your next project too! Have fun playing golf and don't get too hot! Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings!
Ohh GOlf!!! that sounds fun!! I really like abigail - what a great quilt!!