Tuesday To-Do Week 44: Harvest Lane Finish

“There is music in the meadows, in the air —
Autumn is here;
Skies are gray, but hearts are mellow…”
— William Stanley Braithwaite, “Lyric of Autumn”

Hello and welcome to another edition of Tuesday To Do,
when we link up at Quilt Schmilt and share our progress.

The "lyric of autumn" has been bringing the most beautiful
foggy mornings.  I'd love it if the days would cool down a bit
more but I have a feeling I'm in the minority there.  I just think
November is really more about the 50's, not 60's and 70's...but,
I'll keep taking advantage of the nice weather while I can.

* * * Week 44 Priority * * *

Finish "Harvest Lane", pic & list:  DONE!

I quilted this in "Riviera" from My Creative Stitches
and it finished up at 74 x 86.

"Harvest Lane" is from the pattern "Reproduction Chain"
by Julie Hendrickson and can be found in
The Big Book of Favorite Scrap Quilts, Martingale Publishing

2) Work on blog hop project
I have about 28 blocks so far but they're small
so I have plenty more to make.

3) Keep up with the 10K step challenge.
My first not-so-great week,
but at least I kept my average above 10K.

With all the cold weather and rain last week, there was
very little golf played.  This might mean more time sewing
but all that sitting and no golf makes for a very sore back.
This week is going better but I miss the rain and fall temps.

* * * Week 45 Priority * * *
Finish all blocks for Turkey Trot Blog Hop project.

2) Keep up with step challenge.

And that's it for me.  If I just go crazy with the priority project
and finish it, it'll be time to start on some winter quilts.
Looking at the weather, I think I'll be golfing quite a bit but
just maybe I can find a way...

Happy quilting!


Kate said…
Harvest Lan turned out beautifully! The first half of the week is going to be nice, then we get back to fall/winter. Enjoy the good weather while you can.
Sharon Kwilter said…
Your harvest lane quilt is lovely. That's such a pretty finish.
piecefulwendy said…
Those webs are so pretty with that morning dew! And your quilt is gorgeous, with a perfect name! Nice finish!
Carolyn said…
I love that quilt! I can see why it sold so quickly. Riviera is a pretty quilt design for it too!
Home Sewn By Us said…
Hi Cheree! Big congrats on selling Harvest Lane so quickly! Yikes. And it's is a beauty - that border really brought the whole piece together. Excellent choice and no wonder it sold so fast! Good job on the weekly average of your steps. It's all about balance, right? {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
Harvest Lane is beautiful - it's no wonder it sold right away! We've had beautiful weather for golf in the last week, but in November you just never know. Happy quilting this week!
Linda said…
I'm in love with your Harvest Lane - whoever bought it is very lucky! You are definitely not in the minority with me, I am sick of summer weather in November. We have the AC on for goodness sake - crazy! We are due a cooldown starting late tonight, and I am so grateful. All I ask is that it is cold on Thanksgiving, is that too much to ask? - lol! Congratulations on your continuing steps - I actually hit 11,000 a few days ago, but most of my days are in the 5000 - 8000 range. Still, that is more than I was doing, so again, thanks for the challenge. :)