Tuesday To Do #45: Thankful Wreaths

“It looked like the world was covered in a cobbler crust
of brown sugar and cinnamon.”
--Sarah Addison Allen

Welcome once again to another edition of Tuesday To Do.
I've linked up at Quilt Schmilt and I'm ready to share my progress.
After that, I'll do some planning for next week's fun--always my
favorite part of these posts.  Sure, it's overwhelming to reflect on
how there are so many quilts to squeeze into so little time but
every Tuesday I get to think over and propose how to make
yet one more dreamy project become a reality.

First, a quick note on that tree up there.  Isn't it just perfect?
I couldn't quite catch the glow of it (especially since it was my
turn to tee off) but I still wanted to share it with you all today.
God creates amazing things, doesn't He?  I'm so thankful
to my parents for teaching me to pay attention to His
creations--and how grateful I am that He lets us
join in that creative process in all kinds of ways!

So let's see what I created last week:

* * * Week 45 Priority * * *
Finish all blocks for Turkey Trot Blog Hop project.
I was happily moving along at a nice, easy pace when I realized
the hop was THIS week--NOT next.  I wasn't even going to be
home for the most part, but a complete finish in just 3 days?
Out of the question.
I needed 140 blocks.  I barely had half of them made!
The best I could hope for was a finished top, and even that
was really pushing it.  But push I did!

I finished the top of Thankful Wreaths (91x111) just in time
to whip out my Turkey Trot Blog Hop post.  Whew.
Yesterday I found a lovely backing that is now pieced
and the entire ensemble, batting and all, is just waiting
to be loaded up for quilting.

If you're interested in the garlic knot block, I gave some light
instruction on how to make it with strip piecing.  This was given
 to me by a friend who sadly passed away.  She loved making
garlic knots so they will always remind me of her.  
She also loved teaching others anything about quilts!

If you're not into making them, feel free to skip down to #2

Today I wanted to add a little more on the cutting.  I didn't
mention this yesterday because I couldn't figure out
a clear way to explain it.  My hope is that once you start
cutting and making them, THEN this will all make sense!

If cutting strips from yardage, I recommend cutting
two 2" strips WOF and then cutting those in half to make
4 2" strips (approx 22" long).

Referring to the pictures from yesterday's post, you'll see that
from these, you can create an A and a B strip set.

Remaining would be the 3 black strips and one orange strip
 so you could make another A/B set for blocks that are the
exact opposite.  OR you can start mixing and matching all
strips all over the place.  (Feed that quilt-fabric addict!).
Because each strip set is approximately 22", you'll be able
to make 5 blocks from each A/B set.  
By the way, this also applies to using fat quarters.

Now, if you're pulling from your scrap bin, just keep in mind
that you'll need at least 4" of each of those strips when
building your sets.  I apologize if that's all clear as mud
but I really think once you get going, it's very obvious.

2) Keep up with 10K step challenge.
I squeaked in all 6 out of 7 days--as is my goal.

I also finally found step and mile totals per week, etc.
 Last week I logged over 93K steps and almost 45 miles.
I think that was just an average week at best so I found
that rather encouraging.
(I need to go find some of my really good weeks!)

Since starting, my weight has fluctuated some but overall,
I've lost 16 lbs.  Not a bad way to go into the holidays.
I certainly hope to keep dropping them even if it's slow and
steady like this--it's literally steps in the right direction!

And now to move into next week...

* * * Week 45 Priority * * *
Quilt, bind, label, pic and list Thankful Wreaths
Yes, I do want this one for my own bed.  But I'll be pulling out
the winter quilt right after Thanksgiving so I've decided to go
ahead and list this one at a hefty price.  Mainly because it's a
large quilt! but also because I'm not too keen on selling it.
If it's still in my shop by next September, it's mine.
(Owner privileges rock!)

2) Start on my next quilt(s)
It's time to get some winter quilts made.
Well-past time actually.

(Store sample)

I am making two of these gnome quilts.
Using a panel like this is a first for me but in case you
didn't pick up on it, I'm in a bit of a time-crunch to get
some holiday/winter quilts into my shop and that panel
is going to be an important part of making that happen.
Yes, it makes me feel like a big cheater.
But it's a gnome, and it's cute and I'm running out of time.
And it's a gnome!
I have lots of the fabric, just no idea if I have all I need but
I'm hoping my stash will help me out if necessary.
Did I mention it's a gnome?

See ya next Tuesday!

Happy quilting!


Linda said…
I am fascinated with the pattern made by the garlic knots. Your Thankful Wreaths is just beautiful, and I can see why you'd like to keep it. If it sells (and I'm betting it will) you can always make another one. ;) I think your instructions are spot on. Congrats on the weight loss, and wow on the steps! Hubs and I are convinced that the key to weight loss for us is using the treadmill and stationary bike. He has lost 24 lbs and (thanks to inspiration from you and Roseanne) I have lost 7, so we are on track to be able to stuff ourselves on Thanksgiving - lol!
Kate said…
I hate those times when I get the weeks for something wrong (it happens more now that I'm retired). Congrats on getting the top finished. The gnome quilt looks really fun. Hope you can get in lots of winter stitching along with your walks.
chrisknits said…
I love that top and can see why you want it to stick around so you can keep it!! And did you mention something about Gnomes? I wasn't sure if I heard you loud enough!!! LOL
Home Sewn By Us said…
Hi Cheree! Sixteen pounds!!! You r.o.c.k., girl. If that isn't an incentive to keep on Walking the Walk then I don't know what is. Fabulous job. Love, love, LOVE the gnome panel. It isn't cheating. You are taking a medallion piece and enhancing it. I think they'll be fabulous finishes and I also expect they'll sell well. Great idea. Now get going! It's almost Thanksgiving. {{Hugs}} a bunch. ~smile~ Roseanne
Love the quote ! And what a gorgeous tree- it is perfect. Your Thankful Wreath quilt is amazing. Looking forward to seeing your winter quilt projects. Enjoy your week. Hugs.
Mary said…
That tree is absolutely perfect! I hope you get to keep your Thankful quilt. It is beautiful. Way to go to your weight loss. Perfect way to go into the holiday eating ahead,
Stacy said…
I love how the author describes their creative process.