2023 Tuesday To Do #39: The Golfing Quilter Talks the Talk

Another lovely September Tuesday to you all.
 It's now Week 39 of Quilt Schmilt's Tuesday To-Do 
link-up so after you've checked out my progress,
hop on over to see what everyone else has been up to.
You can also check out Melva Loves Scraps' Sew & Tell.

It has been a busy week around here.  First we'll have
a look progress in the studio and then we'll visit a bit.
Got your coffee?  Let's begin...

* * * Week 38 Priority * * *
Finish binding Simply Pumpkin & Fair Isle Friends
Take pics and list.

These are both complete!  Yay!

But no pics and listing yet.  Boo!

2) Finish Barberry Bramble, pic & list

Again, complete...but no pics and listing.
(Pretty sure you can guess next week's priority!)

3) Wool project--On hold.

Still waiting for the Shop Hop (Oct6 ) to get rest of fabric

4) Start next quilt--DONE.

Because this is for Monster Mash Blog hop
so not much to share here other than a teaser.

5) Get in 10K steps daily at least 6 days/week--DONE.

And lastly, let's talk about the Walk the Walk Challenge
that I'm doing with Roseanne of Home Sewn By Us.

(Love the little pic she made) 

Oh ho ho!  Things are going well here!  The Golfing Quilter
is killin' it.  With the cooler weather, we're back to walking
 (instead of riding) the course again.  (I wish I could say
I was killin' it at golf but it's been very up and down there!)

I do not put my watch on first thing in the morning and I take
it off in the evening so if I come up a little short, I'm not too
worried about it--especially if the rest of my week is good.

I did reach my goal of 10K+ at least 6 days.
I think this will only get better as I have plans to play lots of golf
this fall.  Incidentally, I looked at my stats for the whole year and
my average daily count was well over 12k (some over 20k) so I
figure I got this.  And the impact from just this first full week?
My motivation is coming back and the attitude is more positive;
I'm feeling a little better physically and I've lost over 6lbs.
(I'm eating very well at the same time.)
If you need a little motivation and accountability, we'd love to
have you join us!  After you walk the walk, put your results
on your Tuesday posts to talk the talk.  Easy peasy.

Other things

We had friends over for dinner and enjoyed dessert and drinks
outside well into the evening.  Life has been busy and somehow
more than a year passed since the last time we were all together.

It was really nice to catch up, laughing and having a good time.
Then I went and ruined it by having an embarrassingly bad round
of golf the next morning.  So much for the good-weekend feels.
But then the Chiefs won and all the cuteness happened with
Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift.  I don't usually go in for things
like this but I like Travis and they are my daughter's "favorite
two people in the whole world" so my fam is having some fun
watching it evolve--though I do feel a little sorry for them
having to be in the limelight through what should be a
special and mostly private thing.

Anyhoo, life goes on and eventually I'll forget how horribly
I played, right?  I'll just remember the better things.

Speaking of better things, how about next week's plans?

* * * Week 40 Priority * * *
Pic and list all three finished quilts

2) Work on Monster Mash project

3) Keep walkin' the walk

Well that's all easy enough right?
Happy walking, golfing and quilting!


Wow you had an amazing week with some adorable finishes! Great job! Love your pumpkin quilt. Wishing you a very productive week. Happy quilting.
Linda said…
I see pumpkins in your photos, quilted and real! I'm so impressed with your steps. When you say you are "eating very well", do you mean healthier? I restarted Weight Watchers yesterday to see if I can lose the 8 lbs I've gained since April, when I had my skin surgeries. The extra poundage on my small frame just drags me down. I do intend to get on the treadmill and stationary bike this week too. Do you have a smart watch?
Photos take time and good light. You have a pass there. Congrats on the weight loss. I'm up 17 lbs, and I've been too busy to even try to get it off. Hopefully in a few weeks, after my mother goes home.
Home Sewn By Us said…
Hi Cheree! Oh, big congrats on walking the walk and then talking the talk. You absolutely DO have this. Get that Simply Pumpkin listed!! Not only is it the season, but those blue pumpkins. They practically sell themselves without any work on your part. Time for an early morning (not quite so early since the sun comes up later) run for some coffee! I wonder if the golf course might offer so cool settings for photos? Oh, and look at you figuring out how to share a photo from your watch! Good job all the way around. Here's to another fabulous week. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
You've got the prettiest quilts in the works at your place. Once you get them listed they're going to sell fast! I've been wearing a step counter for probably 10 years (we used to have step challenges at work) so I'm always counting my steps. It's like a little personal challenge - and I've been pretty good with it. A round of golf will definitely help make the goal! Have a great week, Cheree!
chrisknits said…
Everything is just lovely! I have started walking, but I am no where near that number. LOL! But I am also tracking the calories and sodium, trying to be better about things. Maybe someday I will get over that 10,000 mark.
Kathryn T said…
I love all three of your quilts and wish for beautiful photos and when you say listings I guess you are selling them so speedy sale.
Very impressed with your walking, I don't aim for a number of steps per day and in fact wouldn't come near 10000, however I have made the goal to walk every day. So far so good.
grammajudyb said…
Can’t wait to see your listing photos . Simply Pumpkins is a favorite. Also looking forward to Monster Mash Blog Hop! I envious of your walking and total steps. But this week I saw the doctor and had an ex ray. Will see the orthopedic specialist soon and hopefully manage with just PT. Hope to be moving more soon!