Tuesday To-Do #69

 Hello and happy December!

Checking in on last week:

1) Enjoy Thanksgiving:  it looks like there will
only be 4 of us which is just sad.
~ Done ~

Well, it turned out there were only three of us.  Our
son unknowingly came home from school with Covid
so we're in the middle of a quarantine.  We spent over
a week with him but both hubs and I have tested
negative, despite my having minor symptoms.
Is it allergies? A chest cold?  Should I test again?
I might go again but I have a yearly visit to
the doctor's coming up so I have a call in there
to see what they want me to do.
(If I can do it with lab work, why bother?)
All I know is that one minute I feel fine, and the
next...not so much.  I never "do sick" very well;
I generally don't stop for it but this time I am
trying to be good and take it easy.

2) Put up Christmas decor:  all of it
~ Done ~

Both trees are up, all the indoor and
outdoor lights and some miscellaneous decor
all around.  What this house needs are some
Christmas wall-hangings though.  Hmmm...
(The bulb under the tree is a deterrent
for the cats.  Think it'll work?)

I've actually done a good job minimizing our decor
over the last few years but now I feel like I'd like to
get some homemade things thrown into the mix but
that will likely have to wait till after the holidays.

3) Load September (November?) Glow
~ Done ~

Completely loaded up, pantograph on and marked.
I'm good to go here but it will depend on hubs'
meeting/work schedule if/when I get it quilted.

4) Start a new quilt
~ Done ~
Last week I was trying to decide:

I really wanted to do the above in blue/white or 
red/white but I also wanted something with trees. 

If you put in your opinion (thanks!) I decided on both,
of course.  I bought the Peppermint Pines pattern and
I printed out the snowflakes.  And when I went to pull
fabrics, I came across some red/white/gray holiday
fabrics that I've had set aside forever so...

I never could find the right quilt for these fabrics
which is why they've sat in a bin for several years.
I made up my mind that I was going to make
something with them now, no matter what, so
I went with some standard triangle trees.
Above is a small glimpse but I'm farther along.
I'll share the full pic next week.

Which brings me right on into my current to-do's.
I basically have only two weeks before things go all
full-throttle-Christmas around here; that is to say, the
cadet comes home from NY and the festivities begin.
So I need to step things up.  Fast.


1) Quilt September Glow

2) Finish triangle tree quilt top

3) Get some cookie dough in the freezer
for quick holiday baking.  I'm thinking
at least several kinds.

4) Finish "project B" gift

And that's it folks.
I am really missing my morning coffee shop sessions
to get myself all together.  I'm just not as productive
without them, though I'm sure it's just because those
are the days I take the time to drink two cups of coffee
instead of just one.  But, anyhoo, I would really like to
get the loose ends tied up and the holiday cleaning
and menu-planning done over the next two weeks
so that when the family is all around, I can take part
in more of the fun instead of spending so much time
 in the kitchen and trying to do last-minute sewing.
After such a low-key Thanksgiving,
I'm feeling the serious Christmas spirit!

Happy quilting!


chrisknits said…
Can't wait to see how you quilt Glow! I just made 3 small to mini Christmasy pieces for tables and counter tops. Now to get the hard decorations put up since all my quilty stuff is out. But where to start!!
I have heard of many feeling good one day then not so good the next - you probably need to be retested and stay home, Hope you feel better soon what is the name of the Christmas looking quilt the red and green quilt above the trees? Your tree is beautiful
Joyful Quilter said…
Your tree is beautiful! Unfortunately I don't think the bulb will work. My mom's cat loved to hid/sleep under her tree but she wasn't one to "play". All the cats I've ever had LOVED to play so I haven't had a tree for years.
Debbie said…
Oh wow, all decorated and dealing with the covid too?! You have stamina for sure. I love the peppermint trees, as they are so much the seasonal colors.
Vicki in MN said…
Pretty tree! I think we need to see more of how you decorate for the Holidays:) Hope you find some time and have energy to quilt this week.
I'm so sorry that Covid came to your house! Hope your son recuperates easily. Your tree is beautiful! Decorating for Christmas always lifts the spirits. Have fun with your Christmas quilt projects, too.
Home Sewn By Us said…
Hi Cheree! What a cute calendar! EEK - 24 days. Back when I did everything, that would have sent me into a tizzy. But now, ehh. The house is decorated, and I'll probably make some cookies that we don't need to eat. HAHA! I'm sorry for the potential exposure and that your son contracted the virus. I hope his symptoms are mild and there are no remaining side-effects for any of you. Your tree looks pretty - I doubt the bulb will deter the cats but there's ALWAYS hope!! Start a list of what you'd like to make for next year - and then get the fabric on sale soon! HAHAHAHAHA - of course, you decided on both projects. Not one single person could possibly be surprised by that statement, and we support you wholeheartedly. We also support getting stuff done in the next two weeks - I am going to add that goal to my list as well. Thanks so much for linking up today! {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
piecefulwendy said…
You have all your Christmas decor up, I'm very impressed. My house is still in summer-autumn-maybe-winter decor. Haha! With cats, when there's a will, there's a way - at least that's how it is here, so I'm thinking that bulb may not work, but who knows? Can't wait to see your Christmas projects!
It takes a couple of days for the virus to show up in tests. I'd get another test. Sorry you are sick. Hope all of you are better quickly.