Delicious Quilting

Today will be delicious.
How did I score this unexpected "free" day!?!
I'm not sure but it started early and in the dark.
Well, you could say it actually began 
yesterday with the planning.

the laundry is caught up.
The dishes are done.
The kids are off to school.
The hubs is at work.

I have my latte.
My machine is all set up.
Four bobbins are loaded.
Two quilts are basted.

Chloe just doesn't seem to get that I have to quilt them first!

Thread, check.  Needles, check.
Windows thrown open, music is on.

View from the Pumpkin Porch!

Time to go eat this yummy day up!
What's on your sewing menu?

I don't often post family pics but 15 years ago
today, I was bringing this guy into the world.

He's taking all honors courses and has a 
higher-than-4.0 GPA!  Just under 6' and weighing
in at 235, he's an essential part of the starting
offensive line of an undefeated football team.
I'm a proud mom!
I guess I'll be taking a break from quilting
later to bake a cake!


Katy Cameron said…
Oh dear, do we not smile if we play football? ;o) Or is it just because it's mum... Hope you baked a nice cake!