Saturdays in the Garden

Lots of salad-eating around here.
We currently have more lettuce
than we can handle.

But nothing ever goes to waste.
Chickens LOVE lettuce so I can be
extra-choosey when cleaning it.

The new chicks hanging out in the cool shade.

It looks like we'll be getting lots of blackberries.
I'm thinking they'll be great in the home-made
yogurt this year.

The potatoes are blooming,
as are the peas and beans.

The new batch of strawberries are starting to reach out.

I have all types of squash and cukes planted now.
Does anyone know what this leaf issue is?
(Diagnosing problems in the garden isn't my strong point.)

This morning I weeded the un-mulched areas;
then I topped with newspaper and then a thick layer
of straw.  Ah, completion.

After a few years of planting them,
these marigolds pop up freely around the garden.
Because of their strong aroma, they repel pests.
And I love how they spot the garden with color.

Sunflowers now come up on their own, too.
Having these around the garden helps to
attract the bees.  As with the marigolds,
the sunflowers will also add in beautiful color.
(And in the fall, the chickens are happy to eat the seeds!) 

Tomorrow, we'll visit Herb...


Katy Cameron said…
What useful little recycling machines those chicks are!
Denise said…
Just found out today that my chicks love radishes, who knew? But mushrooms no.