On my little day-trip, I visited the local yarn shop.
Now, I've been determined not to built a yarn stash to
equal my fabric supply--but I found a 40% off bin
and started thinking about Christmas gifts.
"It is important to have goals,"
I said to that selection of yarn.
And thus began the interview process.
Look who made the cut:
Now, I will admit that this sock yarn wasn't
among the 40% off applicants:
But, oh, he was a bold one!
He overheard the interview and yelled out
his intentions boisterously across the aisle!
Such confidence could not be ignored.
He and a co-worker got the job as well.
I have high expectations for these two.
Can't wait to see what you make :)
Sherry's Bees Nest
I can't wait to watch them grow up - oh, and don't deny your stash... it's a good thing.