Market Monday: More Notebook Covers

Just a quick post today--busy day ahead.
Last week I posted my spiral notebook cover. 
Since then, I've discovered that I like it
even more than I thought I would.

 Sometimes it's just silly little things that
bring beauty into, and brighten, our day!
 It really has made my Lenten journal a little more
special, not to mention the personal significance
of the roses which I didn't even realize
till I started using it.

So, I decided to make another one.
Actually, 2 more--the other one is made
with beautiful oriental fabric and dramatic colors,
but I didn't have time to get a pic.  (I'll get to that...)
And, I made 2 coffee cozies to match these. 

I added in a little ric-rac for a more vintage look.

Now, who do you suppose this second
notebook cover and cozy might be for?
Tune in tomorrow, faithful followers!
(actually, I'd better give myself some space here--I'm off on a day-trip
 to my sister's tomorrow so I'm not sure I'll get to it till Wednesday.)

(pic from 2 years ago)

I'm now heading to the garden to see if any
of it is dry/warm enough to work for planting
onions and potatoes.  I'm doubting it but I
have to try.  Rain is predicted for tomorrow.

It's Overflowing


Katy Cameron said…
These looks great :o) I have some ideas in mind for something like this pinging around, just waiting for one to settle!
Nancy said…
These are really beautiful and inspiring. I can't buy from your store because we can't get packages here in this part of Congo, but I have some fabric my daughter would love so maybe I'll try to figure out how to make one. I really enjoy your blog!
annemarie said…
Love the notebook cover idea - what no snow - looks like spring will arrive early.
Is it for me because you know of my coffee and notebook addictions?!?!
I could use something like that (several of them actually). Sew cute!