Opening Autumn

   I am such a PSL-lover.  (That's Pumpkin Spice Latte for you non-Starbucks addicts.)  The First PSL of the Season is an actual ritual for me.  One that requires patience & self-restraint.  (See?  Coffee really is good for the soul!)  It has to be just the perfect fall day--the one where I step outside and I feel it, smell it, see it:  Nature is slowing down.  She is cooling her breath, and yet bringing warmth to her colors.  It is time to welcome this, her autumn. 

"There is a harmony in autumn, and a luster in its sky, which through the summer is not heard or seen, as if it could not be, as if it had not been!"  
~Percy Bysshe Shelley 

Really, it's looking forward to divine moments like this that keep me sane during the summer. 
Now, amazingly enough, these little guys hit the market today (or, if you found a rogue Starbucks, you may have gotten one up to a week ago).   But, did I get one?  Well, what can I say?  The moment just wasn't right.  I'm telling you, it's practically a religion with me.  I mean, do you ever feel like nothing is sacred anymore???  We coffee-lovers need to hold fast to such little rituals.    Coffee isn't just a drink.  It brings with it richness, warmth, time, friendship, inspiration, tradition and whatever else you will allow in.  
Are you thirsty?
Disclaimer:  No, Starbucks is not paying me to say this.   I do not work for Starbucks--though
 I think it would be about the greatest job in the world. 
 Truly, I do.


Debbie said…
This is the morning! Our first cool and fallish one. My motto is posted in the sunroom.....No talking till I have my first cup of coffee.
I believe you are right! It's overcast and 57' out there! PSL, here I come! Have a beautiful day!
Sparky said…
Ok my dear Cheree..I think you need some adjustments done on your settings write me back I will help
oh btw ..I LOVE pumpkin lattes