2021 Tuesday To-Do #5

Warm Tuesday greetings from a frigid
winter wonderland.  I have oodles to share so
you may want to grab a cup of your favorite
hot beverage and settle in.

Not only has it been snowing lightly for days, there
is snow on the weather menu for every one of the
next eight days.  Hallelujah!
The temps will be in the teens on down to -8 so it
seems winter has finally come alive here in Kansas
and the garden is finally getting a good, hard freeze.
(What does a groundhog know anyway?)

On Friday the hubs and I took off for a little road trip.
After a short visit with my brother and his wife, we spent
a few hours shopping in KC and then headed up to a
very snowy and cold Omaha where we visited our son
who attends Creighton University.   We woke up to even
more snow coming down, bitter temps and treacherous
highways but we still had a great visit and you know
I enjoyed all of that snow!   I had smartly done my
homework so on our way out of town, I checked out
the Country Sampler, a new-to-me quilt shop.

Single-digit temps can make one forget to take any
outdoor pics so the one above pic is from their website.

Inside was nice and warm, however, so I snapped
plenty so I could show you all around.

The shop seemed very new but it was clear by the
huge inventory and the numerous quilts on display
that the The Country Sampler was no spring chick.

I learned from their website that they've been
serving their community for 25 years.

We had a 4 1/2 to 5 hour drive ahead of us
so I tried to take it all in quickly.

I also had some shopping to do.
(More on that in my to-do list)

A peek into the classroom in back.

For you Lori Holt fans....

All three of these were so pretty in person!

I do love a good clearance section so I was a little
disappointed to not find one.  Did I just miss it?
Still, this is a great shop and well-worth the visit.

If you're ever in Omaha, save a hefty chunk of time for
a visit to this one  Undoubtedly, I wish it was closer to
home but at least we'll be making more trips up there.
After our son graduates next December, it looks
as if his current internship with a great company will
turn into a full-time job.  Like the quilt shop, I'd prefer
he was closer but I'm happy to see him so well-settled.

Now, on to the to-do list!

1) Snowflake quilt:  Make 2 blocks
Only one block done.

Between reacquainting myself with paper-piecing
and forgetting that I've chosen to make the inner
star gold (a little ripping!) I only got one of these
made.  I feel like I've got it down now though.

Yes, it's a little tedious and messy but it does
result in some nice piecing.  These blocks
seem to be fairly easy to tackle, too.

I'm using a children's drawing pad for my papers.
(The same as coloring book papers).  I did have
one piece jam in our printer (which I find to be a
a little finicky anyway) but the rest worked fine.
It's significantly cheaper and easier for me to buy.

2) Charity quilt contest:  finalize quilt(s);
start getting fabrics lined up.
I found a few things in my stash but nothing that
would give either of the main fabrics direction.
Enter the visit to The Country Sampler:

Juvenile prints aren't my favorite so I'm trying to
focus on colors and fabrics that I know I'll enjoy.

I wouldn't have considered Grunge for a baby quilt
but the shop owner steered me in this direction and
I like where it's going.

I have my patterns picked and I'm hoping to start
soon so I'll have something to share next week.

3) Make a simple fabric tracking spreadsheet
I was going to have hubs help me out here but then
I discovered those templates in the Numbers app.

I'll likely adjust it as I go but I think it does the
trick nicely so far and I hardly needed any help.
OCD Hubs struggled a bit with not having reference
point, a "beginning balance" so to speak.
"You want me to figure out how much fabric I have
in there already?  Bah ha ha ha."  Oh, the hilarity!
He finally accepted that it's purely for motivational
purposes:  use more than I buy.
The above image is a little blurry so for full disclosure
of last week's activity, 5 yards of fabric were added.
(Clearly still working on that motivation.)

That's it for the official to-do's but I
accidentally left the knitting off of my list.

All that road-tripping = decent progress.

And I know I said no more squirrels but they do
 have a way of getting into things so here's yet
another one that showed up in the sewing room.

Remember all of those scrap HST's I'm working on?

This little table runner was made from the
trimmings of a quilt I gifted to my brother-in-law
so I'm sure it'll head to their house for Christmas.
(Yes--I'm working on Christmas gifts already!)


Maybe I'll whip out some matching coasters?

If there ever was a week for staying in and sewing,
it will be this one so on to the list for next time:

1) Snowflakes:  Three more blocks.

2) HSTs:  any progress

3)  Knitting:  any progress

4) Baby quilt contest:  start cutting one out

Lastly, I have a few pics of the cadet taking
first place in a recent meet against Villanova.

Oh, those intense faces!

I find most people find haven't seen much, if any,
pole-vaulting.  I think it's just amazing to watch,
especially when they hit those crazy heights.  

As a mom, do I ever worry?
When he was younger, I was asked that a lot.
Over all, not really.  I trust God and I trust my son's
ability, and then I focus more on being supportive.

At this meet, he won with a height of 15'2".
(He has cleared over 16' in previous competitions.)
He's a little camera-shy so we're not going to tell
him that I've put these on my blog, right?

Update:  Even cooler, he showed up on Army's
Instagram post this morning.  That's him in slow-mo
toward the beginning of the video.  Make sure the 
sound is on--the hype music makes it cooler.
(Click on audio button at bottom of video)
(You don't have to have an account to view)
This mom is pretty proud!

Stay warm and happy quilting!

Linking up to


Debbie said…
Do love the small table runner. Always up for a scrappy thing. Good road trip and shopping stop. Poor Hubs who thinks we should have a fabric accountability....lol. I wouldn't even try to guess. Congrats to the vaulter too!
Great quilt shop, sound pretty big, and full of lovely fabrics and notions ;) Great photos of your son too, wow, he is very good at his sport, of course you are proud ;))
Great list for this week, enjoy your sewing time, warm and cozy inside the house!
Home Sewn By Us said…
Hi Cheree! HA! I wouldn't have taken an outside photo of the Country Sampler, either. We've had the same low, low, LOW temperatures. It was -4 this morning. Brrr. And snow - it did make me think of you! I love how the red fabric in the Snowflake block pulls out the red polka dots in the background fabric. Ooh, I'm looking forward to seeing more about those charity quilts. Love the polka dot Grunge! Only 5-yards in - it could have been SO much worse. And DH really wouldn't want to KNOW the beginning balance, would he? Or maybe you wouldn't want him to know . . . and Amy's video is so cool - it gave me the chills! Thanks for linking up! ~smile~ Roseanne
It's pretty frigid in Kansas and Nebraska this week! In Colorado, we're right on the edge of it. Even so, a road trip sounds like fun, especially if it includes seeing your son and visiting a quilt shop. Love seeing your projects - you always get a lot done! Pretty table runner with those HSTs!
chrisknits said…
How cool! And Love Love Love all your projects! Now I think I need to go find some HSTs. LOL
I live in Omaha. Country Sampler is a true gem. We have several other shops here I hope you get a chance to visit on subsequent trips.
piecefulwendy said…
So much fun stuff to see in this post! I've heard of that shop but never been there, so will have to keep that in mind. I bought a ream of newsprint from Dick Blick (art store, if you don't have them there) and use that for my paper piecing. It prints just fine and is easier to remove. Those photos of your son and the video are pretty impressive!
Love that quilt shop. I need to take a trip to one that is close to me, but just not ready to venture out.

Tracking your fabrics is a neat way to see that you are building to your stash. I will never use up all the fabrics I have accumulated over the years since I started quilting after retirement. But it is so much fun to to just have all those pretty fabrics around! LOL.

The baby quilt will be cute - will keep the baby awake! LOL.

Love the knitting and the color. Which yarn are you using. Love the colors.

I think I have missed something about "Squirrels". Must mean that these are things that take one away from working on another planned project!

You have a great looking and talented son! May he have a blessed life and succeed in all he strives for.

Have a great week - stay warm.
Needled Mom said…
I figured you would be happy with the weather report. Guess you will be setting new records this weekend. Congratulations to your cadet. That is incredible. Have fun with all of those geese!
Even with all the paper piecing I've been doing, I made some huge mistake on one set of blocks. My stitches are too tiny to just rip out all my mistakes so I printed out more pieces and will start those sections over again.