Week 36 Check-In: Pumpkins, Penguins and Coorie

I've brought out all the fall decor so Helloooo September
And so begins the other most wonderful time of the year!
Somehow a few more weeks have gone by without a post but
lots of things have been going on, including some quilt progress,
though not quite as much as I'd like.  But progress is progress
so here we go:

* * * Week 33 Priority * * *
Finish Autumn Spice and name

Pumpkin Wreaths (58x58)
Pattern:  Autumn Spice by Pattern Basket

DONE, and sold.  Huzzah!

Oh, these Primitive Gatherings and Woolies flannels!

2) If fabric arrives, finish Flannel Fall

I was so, so happy with how this quilt was turning out..

I wish the pics could do it justice but it just has such a great feel!

But then I ran into a glitch with the digital panto.  I've used it
 before without an issue but somehow it started moving the
design to the right every time it made the second/back pass
across the quilt.

  Why I kept on going, I really don't know.  Because it's flannel
and ripping it seemed out of the question?  Because I felt I had
to get it done?  Because something in me hoped it wouldn't
look that bad?  Horrified, I was petrified into just continuing on.

All the drama aside, I'm left with it looking like this:

This pic isn't as clear as I'd like it but you get the idea from the
earlier pics.  Most of us might say no one will notice but remember:
 I sell my quilts.
Truly, how would you feel if you popped out $700, $800 or more
for this puppy and then one day you noticed?

I've been so sick about it that I haven't even finished it.  For days.
But I will and then I'll have to decide what to do.  I love it but I'm not
sure keeping it, and being reminded constantly, is a good idea.
I really don't need another fall quilt anyway.

3) Start looking into more fall quilts
Oh, I have--more than I should!  See next week's goals.

Some random recent finds to share:

Morning Vibes
I'm working on getting up a little earlier for various reasons
(because I guess 6am isn't early enough?) so I was looking to
carefully fill those extra minutes in just the right way.  In the
process, I stumbled across this High Morning Vibes playlist.
The first song is my fave but I do like most of the rest as well.
(You can "hide" selections that don't spark joy.)
I love a good instrumental playlist.  Gotta leave space
for creativity, ya know?  As my hubs likes to say:
Only so many penguins fit on the island!
If there is singing, then suddenly I'm joining in and lo behold,
a "penguin" or two falls off aaand I just cut my strips
all the wrong size or sewed all my pieces together wrong.
Anyway, hope your penguins enjoy the playlist like mine do.
I always begin my day in silence but after a bit, I sometimes
need something that'll get 'em all going.

Fall Vibes:
I've shared this one before but because it's my Welcome Fall Vid
go-to, especially when at a coffee shop writing a post, I think
it warrants a reminder every September.  For me, it calls back
happy memories of our many visits to West Point and all the
surrounding upstate NY areas, especially in the fall.

Oh, the game days!  Hubs says he's put it behind him already but
I need to and will get back up there!  I can't believe how much it got 
into my soul, if you will, and I've promised the Lieutenant that we'll
make a trip back up for his "5th anniversary" to take in a game,
re-visit some of the old haunts and play some golf.
Maybe down the road one of our grandkids feels the call
and we can go through it all again!
Well, I'm digressing...

As we move into fall, I discovered a little something the Scots
call Coorie.  If you think Hygge sounds nice, I invite you to check
this out.  Seems to me the Scottish got their fall vibes going on.

My PT/Chiro visits are down to 1/week so that's helpful.  Now to
get my golf scores consistently back into the 80's.  I still hurt but
 I can play through it.  The bigger issue is the tightness that I can't
seem to keep away--it really messes with my swing.   I'm currently
doing some solid research to see if there are effects to one's skin
 by constant BioFreeze applications!
I keep expecting a burn, redness or something but so far so good.

Week 37 Priority

I started another one!

Petite Antique Lace 

Things are pretty busy ahead but I have too-aggressive plans
to fit in (somehow!), this and two more.  (I'm a nut!):

2) Scrappy Garlic Knot:  While cutting out the Antique Lace quilt
above, I cut strips from many of the same fabrics for this quilt
so when I move on to it, I'll have a nice start. 
By the way, if you're interested in making one, I have some
general directions here.  They're great scrap-busters.

3) Tarrytown:  one that leans toward Halloween without
screaming it.  (See what I did there?)  A "house" quilt
but I haven't narrowed it down to which one yet.

I'm so excited to work on these but I've got some big, hella-fun
plans coming up!   Yep, leaving you with that little cliffhanger.
Well, actually I left a wee bit of a hint somewhere in this post
but you'll just have to wait until  I have more to share.

Happy quilting!

Linking up to:
Monday Musings by Songbird Designs
Tuesday To Do by Quilt Schmilt
Sew & Tell by Melva Loves Scraps


Linda said…
Pumpkin Wreaths is adorable - I always love blues in an autumn quilt. I know the quilting is bothersome on the beautiful Flannel Fall, and no I don't notice it. But I understand how you feel. LOVE the Scottish link, my Scottish roots always call to me. I would so love to go there and walk in gloaming with a bit of smirr hitting my face. :D
Vicki in MN said…
I got all my fall decor out last week, love seeing it again! No advice on your quilting but I know how you feel.
Anne-Marie said…
Congrats on the quick sale! As far as the quilting misalignment, I would either rip it out and redo (Natalia Bonner's method is the fastest I've found) or give it to someone who will love and use it. I've found that particular quilting design to be a bit fussy. I have to use my "tweak" function on IQ, but I can't remember if there is a similar thing in QP. I don't think my version had one. Sorry, been there way more than I'd like.
I'm glad you had a quick sale, Cheree! As for the second quilt, most people really wouldn't notice that the second pass was not supposed to be that way, so if you don't like it, sell it or give it away. I know someone will love it - after all, it's pumpkins and leaves!! Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings. Have a great week!
Carol Andrews said…
Cherie your Pumpkin Wreaths turned out beautifully and your new Fall Quilt does look gorgeous and so cuddly! I’m sure the panto shifting is driving you crazy? I can’t tell from the photo that it’s really that bad. If you can’t live with it the way it is, you’ll either have to get Jack out or find a worthy charity or a friend to donate it to maybe. Thank you for sharing the link to To-Do Tuesday and for joining the party. Good luck on resolving the fall quilt issue. I hope you’ve had a good week this week and your game is getting better 🤗 Carol