Alright, let's all fess up.
Who has already purchased fabric this year?
I made it a whole 16 hours into 2021 without
buying fabric. Did anyone cave before me?
That is what I get for some cozy fireside
surfing...with an eggnog martini.
An email came up--a sale! And minutes later
things were in my cart. And so began 2021.
(Yardage in yellow:)
7 yards
Green stripe -- binding stash
Brown (darker in real life) -- fall stash building
Christmas -- stash building
Then I hit the LQS after they advertised they
added 200 (!) bolts to their clearance section.
10 yards:
Multi-dot -- Background for my snowflake quilt
Green -- Snowflake quilt
Plaid -- Snowflake quilt and stash
Red dot -- Valentine's Day? and stash
And finally, I made a quick decision to take the
hour-long drive up north to another LQS when I saw
some snow on the radar that was *just* missing us.
(Because that seems to be our lot these last 5 years
or so--to watch the snow go right on by. Ugh.)
Anyhoo, smart move on my part. I found some
clearance goodies and a few greens for my next quilt,
and I got to drive through some beautiful snow.
We just got flurries back at home.
7 yards:
Rust -- Fall stashGreens -- Snowflake quilt
Snowflakes* -- Stash
Maybe it was all the fabric-buying that kept me
a little side-tracked from my to-do list. I was also
pretty focused on family. Last week, the cadet
flew back up to NY so, with the other son already
back up in Omaha, we are back to just the two
of us, with occasional visits from our girls (local).
And now, finally, it's time for the list.
Last [two] week's To-Do's:
1) Finish quilting Pumpkin patch, bind & label
More done.
I did a little more quilting and made the label.
I just can't seem to find my quilting mojo but I
made progress and it's so close to being done.
2) Bind and label Pinetree Lane
Remember how I was a little worried my fabrics
weren't quite as bright and fun as in the original
I'm not sure why I still get surprised when
"going with my gut" works out really well but,
I do. I guess I just didn't expect to like
it even more than the original!
The snowflake quilting turned out to be perfect for it.
Some quilts just make your heart happy to look at them.
This is one of those for me so it's a keeper.
The Christmas decor is all put away but I left some
winter-themed things up around the house to enjoy and
keep it cozy. This quilt doesn't scream Christmas so
we're still enjoying it but I'm about ready to put it all
away, especially since we're not getting any snow.
3) Knit: Anything. Even if it's one row.
More done.
I finally made a little progress!
4) Project Scraps-To-HSTs: Anything.
More Done.
I finished another 350 while watching the Chiefs
win. Sewing allows me to be just distracted
enough to keep from getting too nervous.
To clarify, these are trimmings from making
flying geese and other various blocks. They're
organized by the project they came from ("sets").
Unless more sets decide to come out of the woodwork,
I have 9 total to play around with--after I chucked a few.
I started a list in my Projects for the Year tab...
and discovered I have blog housekeeping to do.
Then, after working on all of those to-do's,
I threw in a quick squirrel.
Something simple for Valentine's Day for our table.
Now for a couple placemats to match.
Fabric accounting for the two weeks:
Fabric in: +24 yards (yikes!)
Fabric Used: -2/3 yd (Pines binding)
I'm not off to a great start here but I had fun
taking advantage of the sales what?
The house is quiet now so it's time to work on
tipping that scale waaaay back the other way and
hopefully it will stay there most of the year.
Next week:
1) Finish Pumpkin Patch (for real, this time!)
2) Make Valentine's placemats
3) HST's: keep going
4) Knitting: work on scarf
5) Blog housekeeping