2023 Tuesday To-Do 47: Me & Me and The Home & Hearth

“The solution to an over-busy life is not more time. It’s to slow
down and simplify our lives around what really matters.” 
– John Mark Comer, The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry

Another Thanksgiving has come and gone.
Another Tuesday To-Do arrives.
As usual, I'm a complete mix of "Hurry up and get all the fun
things done/made!" and "I need to slow things down!"
There was a lot of fun over our holiday break but this morning
I'm leaning toward that mellow-me and I'm determined that's
who will be making this week's plans.  But first I should link up
to Quilt Schmilt and see what we--Me & Me--accomplished.
I'm also linking up to Melva Loves Scraps' Sew & Tell and
Songbird Designs' Monday Musings.

* * * Week 46 Priority * * *
Finish Christmas Gnome #1

"Woodland Christmas" finished up at 60 x 77.
Pics were taken and the quilt is now listed in my shop.

These panels were printed rather crooked so after
all was straightened, it was necessary to add a little
width to each side so that fit the pattern specs.  I chose
a swirly snowy white fabric that helped it blend pretty
well so, in person, one doesn't really even notice it.

On my last LQS visit I scored the exact amount of fabric
I needed for the backing--right there on my favorite rack
for backings [aka, the clearance section].

The quilt design is "Gnomes in Winter" (My Creative Stitches).

I have the other MCS gnome pattern (mushrooms) so I'll
be keeping an eye out for how to put that one to use
next year.  Yep, I said it:  next year.

2) Start on Gnome #2
Half of the pieces are cut out but I was still working to see
what the stash would provide when the family arrived
and the holiday hit so all quilting stopped.

Now to run through a few things going on around here...

You can imagine that, as much as I love fall decor, there is
no sign of Christmas around here until after Thanksgiving.
Except for maybe in the sewing room.
And all those packages arriving!
On Friday, it was starting to look like the snow prediction
was actually going to come true <gasp!> so it was out
with the fall things and time for the Christmas decor
to show up--because how can one fully enjoy
a holiday snow without any Christmas around?

But with so many pretty pumpkins, I decided I would still
enjoy a "Pumpkin Land" out back while Christmas goes
up out front and in the house.  
I also still have pumpkins and squash for cooking
 sitting all around the home and hearth.
(Er, okay, the kitchen and the garage but doesn't that
sound so much better?  Home and hearth.  Ahhh.)

We managed to squeeze an informal family pic--thanks
to my iPhone, iWatch and a tripod.  Super-cool, btw, so
these will be happening much more frequently.

Some pics even less formal.
(I think more of these will be happening as well!)
It was freezing out so it was a very quick to-do
and then back into the house and the warmth
of the toasty fire for Game Night!

For this, the girls and I unknowingly had the same idea about
holiday game night apparel.  Here I thought I was being sneaky
when I bought mine on Etsy.  Meanwhile one of my daughters
made theirs with her Cricut.  As hubs quipped, 
"Gee, can't tell you girls are related or anything!"
(Who doesn't love White Christmas!?!)

Nerf wars ensued--2Lt dressed the part--and
games were played.
(Pardon the beer but it made for a funny pic.)

Early the next morning the flakes started falling and
soon it was a full-on winter wonderland All. Day. Long.
Big, fluffy flakes!
We had a toasty fire going, some of the Christmas
decor up....

...and I got to enjoy the best of both worlds looking
out the deck doors from my kitchen.
This just might find its way onto a Christmas card.

(In back of my garden)

We ended up with about 6 inches that settled so beautifully
all around, especially on the trees.  Fortunately, it caused
no major travel problems for the boys by Sunday.
And suddenly the house was quiet once again.

How about some homemade crackers?
This is one of the herbs I brought in for the winter so
I have plenty of fresh, aromatic rosemary--my fave!
This would make a perfect little snack for hubs and I
when we finally settled in for a post-holiday rest.

Here is where you'll note the both sides of me that
I mentioned earlier:
Me-1 wants to make all the things and
Me-2 wants to slow everything down.

But it turns out that this time Me and Me worked together
well because that recipe is super-easy and fast.
And super yummy.   We had cheeses left from game-night
and hubs had made summer sausage on the smoker that
he wanted to try out.  I sat back to watch the Chiefs game
and....then....I, who seriously canNOT nap (I mean NEVER),
proceeded to fall asleep.  When I awoke, the game was over
and another had taken its place.  I missed the whole thing.
  At least we won!
I really think it's been years since I napped like that.
I still slept well that night too.

So I guess I'm rested up for this week's...er....rest?

* * * Week 47 Priority * * *
Finish Woodland Christmas #2

2) Start next quilt
This will be Christmas houses or black and white pines.

3) Make a Christmas plan that allows optimal time for what
matters:  ie, a simple but elegant meal, another charcuterie
spread for somewhat-healthier snacking, less sweets,
and so on...

Happy quilting!


what do you do with so many squash and pumpkins when the decorating is done - are you able to use some of them up or are they all composted? Just wondering :)
your winter/fall scene is so pretty - no snow here don't expect any until January maybe - love your winter scene quilt
Looks like a wonderful Thanksgiving with the kids home, and such cute grandkids! I'm like you #2 - wanting to slow things down - especially this week after the busy holiday. But there is the Christmas decorating to think about. Your gnome quilt is so fun - I bet it's popular in the shop! Have a great week, Cheree!
Linda said…
You and your family are all so danged good looking! Those are fantastic family photos, I'm jealous because I forgot to take any. Love that gnome quilt, and the quilt design is perfecto! What is your kitty's name? The photo of the pergola with snow is so pretty.
Kate said…
Love the family photos! Sounds like you had a wonderful holiday with the family. The Knome quilt is really cute, I bet it goes fast. I'm with you on the slow down, but get it done roller coaster. I'm taking a down day today. After all the 9 hour drive both ways and all the running around during, I'm going to reorient today before diving into the hard stuff. Have a great week.
chrisknits said…
How perfect your Holiday sounds! And I get the hurry up and do and slow down to enjoy conundrum!!! It's my daily life. But recently I have been arguing with myself that deadlines for me are unnecessary! So I am trying to keep the "headlines" out of my head! Only I am making them, so why give myself more on my plate. Just make and enjoy what comes.
piecefulwendy said…
Love seeing all the photos (esp the family) and the snow scenes! I'm so happy that you got snow, because I know how much you like it. Apparently you were relaxed and needed that nap - LOL! The gnome quilt really turned out well!
Your Christmas gnome quilt is so adorable!!! I love how the pinwheels are arranged!
Home Sewn By Us said…
Hi Cheree! Oh, I love how the Woodland Christmas quilt finished. It's a nice size for snuggling and it's not overly Christmas. Plus, who doesn't like gnomes?! Your holiday looks like it was a fun time. That view out of your window, with the snow on the pumpkins is so calming. Listen to both Me and Me and do what makes you happy without too much stress. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
We had game night Thanksgiving night, too. Ours was by video, and we played Uno with the grandkids and my son and daughter-in-law in Alaska. Uno is the only game that we can think of that we can play by video. You got about 4 inches more snow than we got.
Cheree, I love your Woodland Christmas...and ALL that snow! WOW! I hope we get a little snow this year, for the kiddos. This ole' gal stays inside - to avoid any broken bones! But I do love to see it. Sounds like a great time with family. Love the game night shirts. What do you do with all that pumpkin and squash? A couple of us eat squash and the kids eat pumpkin, but I'm just not a fan of pumpkin unless it's in a pumpkin bread or something! Thanks for sharing on Monday Musings!