Tuesday To-Do #72; Completed Quilts!

 Merry Christmas Eve-Eve-Eve.

I'm betting this is a pretty important To-Do Tuesday
for a lot of us.  If you haven't gotten 'em done, well...
you probably have some fast and furious sewing
ahead of you.  Godspeed, and may your needle
be swift and your bobbin hold to the very end.

I don't have any last-minute projects going but
I still want to finish everything up by the end of
the year for multiple reasons so I've been
working ocompleting my "open" projects.

1) Bind Ombre
Were you starting to think it wouldn't happen?

I even washed it up to see if the quilting
looked any better.  It didn't, but good news!
The colors didn't bleed at all!  So I squeezed in
a little extra charity for the season by boxing
it up and sending it to a local shelter.
Maybe some teen girl will give it some love. 

2) Bind September Glow

84 X 78

I settled on September for the name because
around here, most of our leaves are gone in
November.  With the green fabrics mixed in,
I just see more September....and October
but I'll save that month for Halloween.

I meant to get a better closeup of the borders:
the outer has a gold acorn print (on green) and
the inner is a larger print of leaves and acorns.
Quilting the oak leaf/acorn motif over all,
I think I made it clear this is all about fall trees!

Now that it is officially winter though, Glow
is already packed away--yet another quilt
finished at the end of its season.  But also
another that will fun to pull out next year,
all new, at the beginning of the season.
2021 is already lookin' good.

3) Start quilting Peppermint Forest

I chose the snowflake pantograph:  slow-going
but it is ever so much fun making snowflakes!
How often does a person get to make snowflakes?
(I mean since those paper ones in kindergarten...)

I'm a little over half-way done and the quilting
is going well enough.  I'm thinking another
few hours or so is all I need--and that might
even happen today.  This all depends on the
hub's meeting schedule, of course.

4) Make backing for pumpkin quilt
Not done.
Just didn't get to this one.

5) Make one more stocking (for granddaughter)
Done and hanging up!
It's good to have everyone represented
and ready for the big day!

And that's it for my week.  It may not look like it
but I did slow down.  I even threw in some fun
baking and cooking for the family...but then
yesterday I found out I'm probably going to have
to pick things back up if I'm going to finish my
last three quilts before 2021 arrives.

I have news on my shoulder pain.  Along with the
arthritis, it turns out that when I thought I just
over-did it while swimming laps (18 months ago!)
I actually tore it.  Since thenmy body built up a nice
calcium deposit under the tear so I now have both
to deal with.  Next week is my first "go" at getting
the calcium broken up (by needle).  If I'm lucky, the
radiologist will get it in one or two sessions.  Once
it's broken up, then I will hopefully begin healing.
If not, it's surgery and 6 to 8 weeks of no quilting.
Because that is how we measure all of
life's turns and upsets, right?
I don't know how much these lavage sessions
will set me back, if any, but I'm just going to try to
get these last three quilts done by next Tuesday.
It's not likely, but I can still try.
All that aside, I'm super-happy to know that it's
nothing serious and that I can be fixed.
I can't believe I went 18 months on that...or 
maybe I can.  I know me.  I would totally do
something like that, <rolling my eyes>
regardless of the increasing pain.
A lesson to learn in 2021.

For next week:
1) Finish quilting Peppermint Forest, bind, label

2) Load up Pine Tree Lane and quilt; bind, label

3) Make backing for Pumpkin quilt;
load, quilt, bind and label
I know, I know--this will take a Christmas
miracle.  I'm not going to push it.

3) Update 2020 quilt list

4) Start on 2021 quilt list

And now it's time to start building the big list.
The yearly one.
This also means I need to bring 2020's up to date.
The tab is all updated and I'm working on the
end of the year post.

Happy quilting and a very beautiful and blessed
Christmas to all my quilty friends!

Linking up to


Debbie said…
Oh boy....shoulder calcium deposit....you really did a number on yourself. OK, so now you know. There is something they can do about it. The final straw is surgery so, we have a chance before that. Don't over do until you see improvement. Take it from one who knows....you only have one chance at health.
That said....love the glow quilt, even if you did not like the finished quilting it is a beauty. And the Sept. quilt is very you. Enjoy the week and the quilts will be waiting for you.
I hope that muscle wasn't the rotary cuff and I hope all that your doing now will not make it worse! I have had several brothers have torn muscle surgery and depend on what they have to do it could be 4-8 weeks of your arm strapped to your chest - hope it doesn't involve that for you
Very pretty quilts and nice to donated that very pretty bright quilt anyone would love that not just a teenage girl :)
Your quilts are just beautiful, Cheree! I really love the Ombre one, and it will bring such comfort to the special someone who receives it. I'm sorry to hear about your shoulder, but glad there is a plan to help you get better. And, yes, I absolutely measure all things by "Will I be able to sew?" 🤣
I am in love with September Glow, you did an awesome job. Congrats on the finishes and good luck on your To-Do list as well as the shoulder.
Lovely finishes, and great new list for next week! I hope your shoulder will be better soon.
piecefulwendy said…
Oh, I hope you get some results for your shoulder without surgery! Boy howdy, you were crackin' right along this week! Yay for you! So many pretty finishes!
Home Sewn By Us said…
Hi Cheree! Geez, that sounds pretty darn serious about your shoulder. Of course, I sure hope the radiologist can just blast the calcium deposit away. That would be a much better option than 6 to 8 weeks of no quilting. I'm sure going to miss the updates on Ombre but I am 100% certain that someone at your local shelter will love the heck out of it. I know I sure would. Yippee for finishing September Glow. It really turned out well and will look gorgeous on your bed next year. Something nice to look forward to in 2021. I wish you and your family a very Happy Holidays. Thank you for linking up this week. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
Joyful Quilter said…
September Glow truly does glow! I'd have to sleep under it a few nights before I could put it away - so very pretty. Bravo for donating the Ombre quilt. Isn't it interesting how some quilts hit our happy bone and ones you think would just don't? I've had a few like that also. Hope your shoulder is doing better soon.
chrisknits said…
May all your quilts be bound and done by the Clock strikes midnight Dec 31st!!! Merry Christmas!
You sure get a lot done...more than I ever do! How great and you should be SO proud of yourself! Merry Christmas!
Great quilts! Sorry about the shoulder, but hopefully they can help without surgery. My daughter in law calls the day before Christmas eve, Christmas Adam (Adam and Eve, get it?).
Kate said…
Ombre and September Glow are both gorgeous quilts. You were really busy the week before Christmas. Fingers crossed that the calcium deposits can be addressed quickly and you can be well on your way to healing up and being pain free. Good luck with this week's to do list.