Hello and welcome to Tuesday To-Do once again.
Time to link up to Texas Quilt Gal and see what's
been going on with me and the other quilters
over the past week.
From last week's list:
1) Visit LQS "A"
I didn't find what I was after but you know?
In the interest of making sure the trip wasn't a total bust,
I thought it was a good idea to get something for my
efforts. I mean, driving all that way and all...
I picked up just a bit of Edyta's fabrics and a clearance
goodie that just might fit in. Pretty minimal amounts
but it's nice to have a start on the blues. I felt I should
be more creative than just choosing the same fabrics
as in the book but I think it must be that once you see
her quilts made up in her fabrics, nothing else competes?
2) Visit LQS "B"
No, but scheduled this week.
3) Continue on Pines
This one has been slow-going compared to
the way things have been around here lately.
All I can say is: lots of interruptions!
But, the center is together and the first border
put on. Two more to go--likely today--and then
#9 will be done. I'm not sure my shoulder can take
one more but 10 is my goal before Lucey arrives
in less than two weeks. We'll see...
(Ran out of time but next week I'll share more pics,
especially of the sparkly gray snow background.)
4) Garden Time!
I did some early gardening, getting in all 4 kinds of
onions (red, yellow, white & scallions). I decided to
put just a small amount of lettuce, spinach, beets
and radishes (white, red) in as well because the
ground was prepped and rain on the way.
It's pretty cold still but they'll likely survive.
5) Prepare for Lucey
A little done.
(I'm not sure it'll ever all get done!)
Looking ahead...
Next week:
1) Finish Pines
2) Visit LQS "B"
3) Continue preparing for Lucey
Happy quilting!
You found beautiful blue fabrics.
Thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday!
Love your Pine Quilt, you do accomplish so much!